Hello folks!
Hope all of you are enjoying your holidays with your loved ones. We are on the brink of 2017 and my, what an eventful year it has been.
We often underestimate or rather ignore how a positive event at the start of the day can leave a lingering effect to boost your productivity and confidence levels as the day progresses.
The way you start your morning can set the tone for the rest of your day.Sound too good to be true? Simple morning habits can boost your emotional well-being and resilience.
See if this scenario rings a bell: The alarm goes off. You hit snooze once or twice, then rush to get ready for your day, swigging some coffee on your way out the door. You hit the road cranky, maybe hungry, with those stress hormones revved up before you’ve even set foot in the office/college. By the time the afternoon rolls around, you’re off your game.
Now imagine this: You wake up naturally, a few minutes before your alarm. You have breakfast, maybe a workout (I prefer early morning football !), and have enough time to get ready without a rush. You walk out the door, grounded and calm - ready to meet whatever the day brings.
Here are the top 3 habits that I have cultivated through all of 2016, and which have helped me tremendously:
1. Avoid the snooze button - Yes, I know that this is a tough one, but in reality, snoozing repeatedly leaves you more groggy than you would be in the first case. After you hit snooze and drift off to sleep, your brain starts its sleep cycle all over again. When the alarm goes off a second time, you’re likely at an even deeper, earlier part of your sleep cycle, which results in you feeling even worse than you did the first time.
2. Exercise - No rocket science here. Any physical activity in the morning, a sport, yoga or even a morning run accomplishes the task of calorie-burning in an even better way by kick-starting your metabolism for the day. It also makes you more alert, which in turn leads to higher productivity and focus.
3. Stay off social media - This is the most important one...er and also not possible for most of us to do.If you’re one of the people that checks their social media or email as soon as you wake up - stop that now! I didn’t realize how much it affected me until I stopped doing it for a while. Each morning spent away from social media is so much more relaxed, peaceful, and joyful. We aren’t screamed at by a constant influx of information and messages and our mind has the capacity to just be. Its still not to late to have another New Years' Resolution on your bucket list!
Have a good week ahead folks!
- Yash